I bought a Mah Jong game last year when I was visiting Singapore. Now I have joined a group and have tried the game and it is alot of fun. I realized that I should have bought some Mah Jong racks as well. Luckily, a friends husband was visiting Singapore and he brought back some for me. My friend gave them to me and said that knowing you, you will probably make a nice bag to keep them in. So I got the idea, and this Sunday while the twins had their afternoon nap I made us bags to keep the racks in. I used china silk and inside I made four pockets and used quilt batting for the lining. Now I just have to find some time to play....

Little sister's dress is done. Crochet the top from a pattern I found in a Norwegian weekly magazine this summer. I used fabric for the skirt and then I finished it with some embroidered silk flowers

Fall flowers are welcoming my guests this week end!
Tusen takk for koselig hilsen til meg i min blogg!
En gang har jeg faktisk spilt mah jong, men jeg kan over hodet ikke huske noe som helst av det... Hadde nok måttet lært meg det på nytt:)
Så ser jeg at du strikker utrulig mye fint! Det er jo så gøy å strikke!
Klem fra Chatrine:)
Saa fin kjolen ble!..og ja, "Kina posen", kjempe flott!
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