I made a rabbit couple this week, they are bigger than these little rabbits that we bought back home this summer, here Stella is borrowing them.

They are a Danish design called Maileg. I mailed the company and asked for their catalog and they sent me a beautiful catalog together with a cute little fellow

The twins love their little rabbits and they come along everywhere,

Here at museum, visiting the exhibition "Terracotta warriors" . The twins still get a lot of attention, we were joking that they should have had t-shirts saying "we are not a part of the exhibition".

Finally done handsewing the binding on to the big quilt, it took a while since it is huge.. now it is in my Etsy store..

Der var du ja, nå har eg venta i heila dag, haha. Nydelige kaniner du har laga, flinke e du. Forstår godt at du får masse oppmerksomhet med de to skjønne små. Glede meg te å reisa, hm, eg meinte, grue meg. Neste mandag kommer Tone på besøk, blir koselig det. Nå må du ha ei flotte koselige uga, så ses me snart. Klem fra Mona.
Halloooo over der, nytt innlegg, les. Klem.
De blir bare skjønnare & skjønnare!! :-)
Hei kjekt å være innom å lese det du skriver.
Er siddis selv, og var en tur til Houston for 2 år siden, og kunne gjerne teknt meg en ny tur over ther!!!!
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