It was on the floor in my sewing room when we went on our travel, so the cats had a nice time with it and I had to puzzle it again when we came back...

Here the top is finished, the quilt size is 69" x 84".

When I was working from my scrap box I also found these nice fabrics that I made into a small wallhanging. This one is small enough that I can quilt it on my sewing machine, the big one will be machine quilted by my "quilting lady".

Teppet ditt ble nydelig,du har flotte farger i dette..
Ønsker deg en fin uke :-)
DET ble nyyyydelig!
Endelig litt oppdatering om quilting LOL!!
Teppet ble nydeligt. Og det bare av rester du har hatt liggende. Helt utrolig flott!!
Teppet passer absolutt til svømmebassenget :-)
Kjempefin blogg du har, og så mye fint du har laget!
Virkelig flotte quilter! Jeg liker godt de glade fargene! Håper du har det bra!
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