Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I was working like crazy yesterday, and here is the result,  PILLOWS! Different shapes and some nice ones for Valentine. Sweet hearts for decorations around the house. I needed some new things in my "Epla" store so they are all for sale, let me know if you like one... Also made some new sweet labels.

Nice sun today so I brought it all outside, but it is cold only 5 degrees C (42F) .

Here is my red fabrics ready to make a red version of the blue one I made earlier. It will go nice with my new red dishes

Leaving tomorrow, flying away to a warmer place, it has the world's tallest building that opened yesterday. Can you guess we we are heading?


Anne-Grethe said...

Godt Nytt År! Mye flott du har produsert idag. Jeg tror du er så heldig å få reise hit:
Ønsker deg en riktig flott og opplevelsesrik tur!

Merete said...

Hei og Godt Nytt År! Ingen grunn til å klage over at det er kaldt, her er det minus 25 nå (bor rett utenfor Oslo). God tur!

Sissel said...

For en kjempefin blogg du har. Her skal jeg nok så meg mange koeselige rusleturer. Du er jo så flink til å sy.
Mange gode klemmer fra SIssel.

knife making steve said...

I agree with you and think that a hobby can really make a difference in a person’s life. My latest hobby is making knives. The metal the wood together give knife making a very organic feel in a hobby. The designs and styles are unlimited so every hobby has its own advantages but as for me I like to make knives!

Laila said...

Hei. Godt nytt år og god tur til varmen..
Flotte puter du har sydd.