Sunday, December 23, 2007


GOD JUL! to everyone that has visited my blog and thanks for all comments. I am new to the blog world and I am still trying to consider if this is something I will continue in the new year.
But for now, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone that has visited my blog! GOD JUL OG GODT NYTTÅR!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hats, hats, hats.....

I have seen so many nice hats lately, so I got a kick and started to knit one and then I added another one, and now it is still going on. Some of the patterns are free patterns from internet, others from magazines. Hope you like them too, I enjoy making them. But now I have to start to wrap Christmas presents!

This hat pattern I purchased online from designer "FatCatKnits". The hat is called "Floppy Fairisle Hat". I knitted it in Cascade 220, 100% wool yarn. This hat is my favorite.

This is a free pattern from internet. It is called "An Uoriginal Hat". It is knitted in a yarn called Patons SWS, it is 70% wool and 30% soy, a lovely yarn. This is my daughters favorite.

This was not going to be a hat. I started a felting project using some old Norwegian wool yarn, it was going to be a bag. As you understand, I have not done felting before. I put my project in the washing machine and it came out as a hat. I will try felting again, you will never know what it ends up as.

This is the "Koolhaas Hat" from designer Jared Flood. The pattern is from Interwave knits, Holiday gifts. I made it in Cascade the Heathers, 100% wool yarn. I love to do this pattern. This one I made to fit a man, but it is still too big, so another one is on my needles right now.

This is another hat that the first one I knitted was too big and I knitted a new. I put the big one in the washing machine and it felted just a little, so now it fits. This is a free pattern I found on the net, this time from designer Amy King, and the hat is called "Fake Isle Hat". I used "Noro Silk Garden Lite" yarn and some leftover wool.
Maybe you have a favorite here too. I am not done with hats yet, more to come later!

Monday, December 10, 2007

New Jacket and two quilts!

I finished this jacket, the pattern is from Interwave knits, winter 2006. It is called "a cardigan for Arwen". I used another yarn that the pattern asked for, I used Renaissance from Classic Elite Yarns, 100% wool. Maybe that is why it is a bit too small, and I can already tell that the sleeves will grow longer and longer by the way they are knitted. Anyway, it was fun to make.

This is a wallhanging called "Rustic charm". I made it with fabric from Moda Chocolat collection. It is a 37 1/2" square.

This is a bigger quilt, it is a 64" square, called "Pinwheel pirouette", made from Moda Madeira collection. Both this quilt tops will be machine quilted by my "quilting lady". I will keep her busy next month. I am now trying to set up a store with quilts and dolls for sale on "Etsy", hope to have some quilts set up for sale soon.

Every Christmas I make a new Santa, this is the one for this year. From next year I will start to make more traditional Norwegian "Julenisser", I have already ordered a new book. The snowman is made by a dear friend of mine years ago, he is very cute.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Early Christmas!

Christmas decorating starts early here, and a couple of weeks ago this house was professional decorated. It took a team two days to finish it! The snow is batting that we use in quilts, so if you are a quilter and do not have snow where you live, you know what to do!

I started to put out my Christmas stuff this week end, here is my village, I have the quilt store included...

Stella is a bit too big for the village

I also finished this blanket for my black chair, it is knitted in Pt2, wool yarn, and then felted in the washing machine just a little

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My camera is "out traveling" so I cannot update with my latest knitting and quilting procjects, but we have all been busy.

Daughter was a star in the high school play.

I have participated in a local art & craft fair, here is some of my stuff

My friends are quilting too. This is Tone's quilt. She had it quilted by my "quiltinglady" while she was visiting for the quiltfestival. It is a Jinny Beyer design called Brilliance. Pattern from McCall's Quilting Oct. 2007 issue. I think it is beautiful!

I am still baking bread. Look who is hiding in the flowers!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I saw this nice commercial on TV and found it again on YouTube.

The shots are actually taken in Norway (nice scenery!), but you may find it hard to catch a ferry from Oslo to Stockholm...


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween week!

The weather is beautiful and will hopefully stay like this for the whole Halloween week! Nice to open the windows and let some fresh air in.

I have been travelling this week, flying for nearly 10 hrs. I brought this sweater, Klaralund, that I just had started and it was a perfect travel knit. I finished it on the plane. I used nearly 6 skeins of Noro, Silk Garden Lite and needles nr. 5.

I also made this scarf, it will be a Christmas present for a young man. It is very nice and soft, made of Misti Alpaca, hand dyed, 4 ply.

Finally, the wall hanging is done and ready to go to my "quilting lady" to be machine quilted!

Friday, October 19, 2007

More knitting and Renaissance Festival

We have been to the Renaissance festival again this year, it is fun. We spent Sunday there and the weather was wonderful.
The girls got their hair braided.

Now I wonder how many knitting projects I have going. I took a trip to my favorit yarn store, and ofcourse a new project came home with me. It is a very simple one, and since I am going away for a week, I can work on it on the plane. The sweater is called Klaralund and I am using the yarn Noro for the first time.

It is flowering in my garden, the bananaplant that my son gave my for mothersday is growing fast. He ordered it on internet, and it was only a few inches when I got it.

Monday, October 8, 2007

On my knitting needles

I cannot believe I started this project. The great American aran afghan, also called the GAAA is very hard, it is not recommended as TV knitting. I have used my last skein of wool, so now it is put aside.

I needed something easy to knit last week when I was working in the box office at school selling tickets for my daughers play. She is aunt Jenny in "I remember mama". I knitted a "my so called scarf" I found the instructions on "you tube". I knitted it in some wool that I had dyed with kool aid.
Then I got out the sweater I am working on, needed something easy after all the concentration on the GAAA.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Other family members have hobbies too

Daddy loves fly fishing (and fly tying when he has time). This 15 lb salmon was caught during our 2007 summer vacation in Norway.

Nice 16 lb salmon caught by our oldest son (also in Norway).

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Knitting and Quilting

I started a new knitting project this week end. I am out of wool for my other projects, they have to wait until the end of the month when I get a new load from Norway. I started The Great American Aran Afghan, it consists of different blocks that in the end will be a blanket. All blocks are supposed to be the same size, here is my two first ones, no way they will be the same size, well, that beats me....

I finally got back to my sewing room today, four months since I have visited my sewingmachine! It was dusty!! I started this quilt, it will be a wallhanging and it will end up at a craft fair this fall. I have not decided if I will use the red or yellow as the sashing, what do you think?

As a treat for my family I baked Norwegian boller today, do you want to join us, weather is beautiful.....

Monday, September 24, 2007

Have a nice week!

It is another new week and I have baked bread! We all love homebaked bread with brown cheese!
Stella loves when I take the camera out, the rest of the family are running away....

Sunday, September 23, 2007


People have asked to see the quilts I have made. These are some of the quilts in my house:

This is a king size bed quilt.

This is on the wall in our dining room.

A couple of quilts over the stairs...

On the wall in our guest room...

Our daughter's bed quilt...

This cowboy quilt is fun to make and I am making it on request!

The quilt storage cabinet is handy when you run out of wall spaces. :-)

Some quilts displayed in a Norwegian rose-painted cradle.

Another wall hanging...

In the family room...

Entrance / stairs...

Another up the stairs...

Before I started quilting 15 years ago, I made porcelain dolls - more than 50 I believe. This is a sample I have kept!

I hope you enjoyed my little quilt show today!