Today we have Facebook and people are connecting with friends from all over the world and they have 500+ friends and still collecting, no wonder they are busy, trying to keep up with all those "friends". ....
In the newspaper today I read a quote saying "it is not everything that you do that in the end kills you, it is everything that you don't get done..." It is so true....
Sit down, relax, take a deep breath, think, I believe the best thing you can get your friends for Christmas is TIME, give some of your "busy" time, it is better than the most expensive gift, and isn't it so that time is money?
Guess what I am wishing for Christmas this year... right, TIME!!!
Have a good week end with these wonderful old fashion Friendship quotes and cards that I got from a dear friend this morning...
Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when
You can share it with someone special.
To realize the value of a friend or family member:
så sant, så sant:-)....og eg E mobile i helgå!
Et veldig fint og tankevekkende innlegg. Skal huske på det neste gang noen synes jeg er rar som ikke er på Facebook. Vi HAR jo tid, det kommer bare an på hva vi prioriterer å bruke de til.
Tankevekkande og fint innlegg!
I love to see TIME from that perspective!
Time keeps coming, it does not run!
And giving a bit of your own time to someone else is a great gift and wil be appreciated!
Så sant som det sagt.
Eg vil ynskja deg ei fredfull adventstid.
Det er helt sant Hanne, tid er viktig, og tid brukt kommer ikke tilbake. Nyt hvert øyeblikk som om det var det siste...
Lurer på hvordan det er med deg. Ringer...
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