Thursday, August 19, 2010


This summer our daughter is working at a wonderful place called "Flor & Fjære" .If you are in Stavanger between May and Sept. this is a place I can highly reommend. It is an island 20 minutes boat trip outside Stavanger where they have palm trees and exotic plants and the most excellent food and wines...
We were lucky to have a babysitter and spent an evening out there, enjoy our walk through the garden and have a nice week end, I know that I will!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We have been back home for a couple of weeks now, very busy, but enjoying picking strawberries in the garden
being a tourist in our home town and take friends on sight seeing
alot of cruise ships
in a busy harbor
this boat is sailing out to where our daughter is working this summer, I will post pictures from our visit there
A little boy is missing his own bed, staying in a hotel for weeks is no fun, but today was the first day of kindergarten, and we had fun
Where did my brother go??

For those of you that are on Facebook, I will make a journal of all my quilts, it will take a while because I have many... Have a look at "Quilting by Hanne"

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Petunia har fotokonkurranse på bloggen sin og jeg melder meg på med dette bildet fra "gamle Stavanger" som viser de flotte hus med et av de store cruise skipene i bakgrunnen. Bildet ble tatt i juni 2008.
Der er mange flotte bilder fra Norge som har meldt seg på, tvi, tvi, skal bli spennende å se hvem som vinner...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


After many years in Houston we found that it was time to move on! Everyone helped packing...
The cats got in their boxes with a little helping hand..
The kids got into their carriers...
The last stitches were done on a little woollen hat...
and at the end of the day the whole house went into this container
Update is coming soon, thanks for reading! We are ready for new adventures...