Sunday, November 29, 2009


Today we light the first candle on this years Advent wreath, we had "risgrøt" (the Norwegian rice porridge) for lunch and got in Christmas mood, but the temperature outside was 21 degrees C (69 degrees F) !

I also found time to make another table cloth, this one is for my new Norwegian internet store

This is a great way to show all my new blue and white dishes.

Ready for my flight tomorrow, hopefully the weather will be nice so I can use these boots intstead of the rain boots all week....

I will be back in a week, getting ready for the twins 1. birthday, time is flying.....

Friday, November 27, 2009


While my little ones were sleeping today I made a new tablecloth. I only need to put the border and the lace on. It looks great together with my new dishes. It is a very simple one, but sometimes the simplest is the best....

Also found time to bake. Homebaked bread is good and best warm with butter and Norwegian brown cheese. I need to buy some more cheese next week on my trip home.
Yesterday I knitted these miniature mittens. A friend makes these beautiful mitten patterns. They  will look nice on the Christmas tree. Started a new pair today, a little bit bigger... .

Shopping for warm clothes tomorrow, flying home to Norway on Monday.
I will need my new rain boots!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It is Thanksgiving this Thursday and it is turkeys everywhere, here is two cute ones, the biggest one is in the freezer!

I finished my baby daughter's dress today, it is a pattern called "Little sister's dress" and it is a good name for a dress for our little girl. It is a bit big, but she will grow into it soon

Saturday, November 21, 2009


It is nice to hang the laundry out to dry. This hanger is from Norway and it has been very useful

I made this clothes pin bag some years ago, when I made all my red work pillows 

Have a nice week!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Last t week I opened my house for our Fallmarket. It is the second year I am doing this. Started last year when I was too pregnant to drag all my things around where they had markets. This year I invited a few more friends to bring their crafts for sale.  They also wrote about us here in a Norwegian expat newsletter.
Here is Randi's table, filled with her beautiful knitted mittens and Christmas decorations A lot of my quilts for sale My rosepainted baby cradle filled with babystuff
Homebaked bread in pretty white bags with laces!
Pretty giftbags in Christmas fabrics Old fashioned ginger hearts with red ribbons and brass bells..

Today I have made baby food. Filling the freezer with home made babyfood.

We are waiting for our dinner!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Again I need to tell about the beautiful weather we have these days. I brought my knitting basket outside this morning after I had ironed these old handcrocheted laces that I found at an antique store last week. They will be a nice edge on a redwork pillow that I already got figured out in my head..... one day...
Look at my georgeous teapot, another finding, together with much more..

This is a nice way to bring your old lace out of your closet. This old lace was on an old bedsheet, I cut it of and made it into this tablerunner... I used some linen bought at Ikea, but you can use whatever fabric you have.

This is in the woods just a few minutes drive from where we live, nice for an afternoon walk

but after all the rain we had last week, we had to stop here if we don't have a boat to take us any further
This is the little witch from the Halloween party