We have two cats, one that we brought from Norway, Lizzy, and Stella. Stella is a Maine Coon and she is 3 years old tomorrow. We bought her at a cat show here in Houston when she was almost 1 year. We did not go to the show to get a cat, but she came home with us... it took a long time before Lizzy accepted her in the house, and she is still not very friendly towards her. Luckily that Stella is so much bigger.
Her name in the papers is Terrificats Thunderella, but we shortened it to Stella. She is a brown/black classic tabby maine coon. The Maine coons are also called "the gentle giant" and Stella is a very good example of that, she is very friendly.

Here she is with our baby boy.

She is a indoor cat, but once in a while she takes a little walk outside in the garden

The bathroom sink is one of her favorite places.

Still room for two of us!